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Fit matters: Why the wrong running shoe can be a real pain

Unique foot shapes and body mechanics means one shoe doesn’t fit all

You’ve committed to your health, whether by boosting your time with your walking group or training for your first half-marathon.

That commitment is the first step, but what’s next? The answer is the right shoes.

When it comes to running, walking or training shoes, one shoe doesn’t fit all, and one brand – or style – isn’t like the next.

“Every brand is different and every foot is different. The shoe that could be great for your friend could end up being a pain in the knee, back or neck for you,” says Andy Ronald, owner of Courtenay’s Extreme Runners.

With more than a decade in the industry, Andy has seen his share of changes and innovations, with companies embracing technology to create lighter shoes that still offer cushioning and support. But at the end of the day, it still comes down to determining which shoe suits your foot. Without that, not only will you not perform as well, but you’re also at risk of pain and discomfort that can quickly stall you on the road to fitness.

Get fitted

Beyond the shape of the foot, the right shoe is also determined by the way our bodies move. This – our biomechanics – can change over time, which is why a gait analysis is crucial, and something that can’t be done when shopping online. “It’s easier than ever to get the perfect shoe for you, but conversely, without professional assessment, there’s lots of opportunity to find the wrong shoe,” Andy says.

Extreme Runners’ free gait analysis helps determine how your body moves when walking and/or running. “It’s how your foot interacts with the ground. Overpronation (where the foot rolls inwards too far or too fast) in a shoe without the right support can cause knee pain, for example. Every shoe has its strengths and weaknesses.”

The right shoe for the job

In addition to the right shoe for your body, the right shoe for your fitness routine is also vital. Are you heading out on the trail, road or treadmill? Walking or running? And for how many kilometres each week? “These all factor into which shoe we would recommend,” Andy says, noting that the expertise you’ll find at the smaller shops doesn’t come at a premium price. Parameters for footwear pricing are set by the manufacturers, with the same incentive for small or large retailers no matter what town or city you’re in.

“The most important thing for clients, I think, is to be open to having a conversation. This more than anything will help us find the best option for you.”


Extreme Runners serves walkers, runners and other fitness enthusiasts in downtown Courtenay.
