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McCulloch is a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

The Conservative candidate Leah McCulloch is not the party person she claims to be. She is an NDPer sheep dressed in Conservative clothing and is not to be trusted.

I have never seen a Conservative candidate spout so many NDP platform policies as at a candidates’ forum recently.

There is no way the Conservatives can win any constituency let alone form government. All they are doing is taking votes away from the Liberals – vote splitting - to enable the NDP to win.

I certainly do not want my Province to fall back into the hands of the NDP. You only have to look to our neighbours in Alberta and see what a fine fiscal mess is going on there. During the long reign of the socialists in Saskatchewan it was a depressed and “have not” province. The Province of Ontario was also brought to its knees under Bob Rae and has never recovered.

British Columbia is in a solid place right now with a future. I do not want to have that taken away.

Marie Knowles
