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Trains the transportation of the 21st century

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

London to Paris in two hours and 16 minutes by rail - try beating that by air without using a rail shuttle from the airport to city centre!

China at present has 39 rail lines to Europe, and Russia is developing a 300 k/hr freight train to speed commerce between Asia and Europe. Nineteenth century technology – not likely!

Yes, railways are expensive to build and operate, but so are all other forms of transport. Most governments subsidize their transportation infrastructure, although rail freight and high-speed trains often operate without government help.

Trails definitely can be useful for those who are fit and have the time to use them. However, those commuting some distance to work, a harried parent travelling with a number of young children, university students going or coming from studies, and people who cannot drive, all need a comfortable, reliable and affordable form of transport.

Most countries in the world, with the exception of the U.S. and Canada, are now reinvesting heavily in railway infrastructure for economic and environmental reasons. With car ownership dropping in Canada, and an aging population that for one reason or another is unable to drive, it is time for Canada to enter the 21st century.

Barry Beardon
