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It's Your Business: Do you have what it takes?

If you are currently running a business you know it takes a lot of work.
If you are currently running a business you know it takes a lot of work. Black Press file photo

If you are currently running a business you know it takes a lot of work.

The hours can be long, sacrifices may have to be made and you need to deal with challenges almost daily.

On the other hand, if you are considering starting a business you need to understand that if you don’t have the constitution to deal with these issues you may not be able to make a go of it and your business dreams could turn into a nightmare.

A number of years ago I was involved in an educational program designed to give people considering starting up a business an opportunity to reflect on whether they should even attempt it. As part of that program, the participants were encouraged to ask themselves a number of key questions.

While you may have already established yourself it might be a good idea, as a review, to ask yourself these questions once again to see if you are still on track as an entrepreneur or whether you may need to make some adjustments on how you operate. Give each of them careful consideration.

Are you resilient? All entrepreneurs need to be able to ride the roller coaster of good and bad times daily. Are you able to move on after a big success or a disaster?

Can you ask for help? You don’t know everything. You need to be able to listen and evaluate the advice of the people around you. This is the most difficult thing for any entrepreneur to do.

Are you a leader? Loners need not apply since entrepreneurship is not a solo sport. To build a business, you need to lead and delegate. Success only comes with leveraging other people’s talent.

Do you like to network? Business is ultimately about people. You grow your business through the trustful relationships that are built over a long period. People still buy from whom they know, like and trust.

Do you like to sell? If you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business. For a long time, you will be the chief sales officer. If you do not like to sell you may need to seriously reflect.

Can you deal with chaos? Every day is different. Some days are very different. Get used to it. The only constant is change.

Can you live on a variable income? You don’t collect a constant paycheck every month like at a job. You pay your employees (self) and vendors first. Some months, there may not be anything left for you. Plan for some months where there will be zero.

Do you have a good personal support network? You will need it. When you have a bad day, you will need someone to pick you up. When you have a good day, you will want to celebrate with the people you love.

Are you action oriented? Even with incomplete information, can you take action even though the outcome is uncertain? Entrepreneurs value action over everything else.

The bottom line is that if you can answer these questions affirmatively, you have what it takes.

Joe Smith is a communications consultant and an accomplished fine artist. He can be reached via email at