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More to mortgage rates than meets the eye

When you grow up hearing advice to “establish and maintain a good credit rating,” many people think that their credit score and employment are really all that matters when applying for a mortgage. We also grow up thinking loyalty gets rewarded. The truth be told, however, that is not the case in the world of bank mortgages.

Courtenay appraiser vice-president on national board of directors

Dan Wilson of Courtenay was recently named a vice-president on the executive board of the Appraisal Institute of Canada.
Take a chance on new gaming café in Courtenay

Take a chance on new gaming café in Courtenay

Local residents can now visit Courtenay’s only coffee lounge and gaming centre, Games and Grounds Coffee House, to enjoy a variety of fresh and healthy foods and gaming options.
B.C.-Alberta road link to expand

B.C.-Alberta road link to expand

The B.C. government has started engineering work to widen sections of the main route from Alberta into northeast B.C., the first step to a four-lane industrial route from the provincial border to Fort St. John.

Black Press buys Cranbrook, Kimberley dailies

Black Press, British Columbia's largest publisher of community newspapers and websites, has announced the purchase of the Cranbrook Daily Townsman and the Kimberley Daily Bulletin from Don Kendall.
Comox Valley courier now delivers lunch, too

Comox Valley courier now delivers lunch, too

Silent Mountain Bike Courier Services has extended its operation with a lunch delivery component.

Kick-start loonies up for grabs from Ottawa

The Government of Canada is once again accepting applications from local businesses to help kick-start their innovative ideas by moving their products and services from the lab to the marketplace.
Montreal clothing company finds Comox Valley ambassador

Montreal clothing company finds Comox Valley ambassador

Medical exercise specialist and The Core Exercise Studio owner Mia Sutherland has been chosen as an ambassador for Montreal clothing company Lole Athletic Wear.

Del Rio Academy graduates first student

Millie Miller is the first graduate from Del Rio Academy of Hair and Esthetics' Courtenay location.

In the niche of time — find your niche in the market

Whenever a big box store moves into town, conversations within the business community inevitably revolve around the need to set yourself apart. It is relatively easy to say be unique, be different, but how do you go about doing that in a market that seems saturated with similar products or services.