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A great time to organize closets and drawers

Spring is in the air!

What a great time to organize your closets and drawers. The Comox Valley Transition Society and Soroptimist International of Courtenay are gearing up for their semi-annual Successful Dressing Event.

They are accepting clean, gently used business or casual clothing in preparation for the event.

The Successful Dressing Event will be held at the Too Good to be Threw Thrift Shop on May 6 and 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Donations for the Successful Dressing Event can be dropped off at the back of the Thrift Shop located at 367 Sixth St., Courtenay, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Other donations of household items and books in good repair are also gratefully accepted.

The purpose of the Successful Dressing Event is to recycle gently used clothing at affordable prices and raise money for the various programs of the host organizations. At the Comox Valley Transition Society, there’s programs such as Women’s Drop-In, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle, BeSafe Girls Group, Lilli House, Violence is Preventable and Transportation and other emergency assistance.

Soroptimist International of Courtenay’s work supports and collaborates with the Comox Valley Transition Society and the LINC. Local and international projects include: Soroptipak Project providing women escaping domestic violence with basic household equipment, Comox Valley Hospice Society, Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society, Courtenay Youth Centre Society, Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue, North Island Festival of the Performing Arts, Women to Women Projects in Afghanistan and Africa, Soropticaps and Boomer Caps.

Women entering the workforce for the first time, women re-entering the workforce, women who love to shop and women who appreciate the chance to reuse and recycle will enjoy the great quality at bargain prices.

For more information, call 250-338-0601

— Comox Valley Transition Society