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Comox Legion holding fundraising event for L.A. fire victims

The event takes place Sunday, Feb. 16
Comox Legion is holding a fundraiser.

The Comox Legion is pleased to announce a special fund-raising event. On Sunday Feb. 16 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., we will host a live music event for the victims of the Los Angeles fire.

There will be some silent auction items, a 50/50 draw and an afternoon of fun that will leave you feeling great.

Project Hope is on the ground in Los Angeles., offering food, child shelters, counseling and so much more to the displaced and homeless.

If you cannot attend, please consider donating:

Special thanks to John Mundy of The Optimists for putting the fundraiser together, the six bands who generously donated their time and all those who are leading their time with volunteering.

About the Author: Comox Valley Record Staff

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