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Comox Valley Yacht Club donates to the Comox Valley Food Bank

They donated over $4000
Left: Paul Hendry, CVYC Commodore; to right: Justin LaFortune, Executive Director CV Food Bank

The Comox Valley Yacht Club (CVYC), less formally known as the Blue Jean Yacht Club, has a long-standing tradition of giving back in local service and charity donations. In years past, Christmas donations have included gently used outerwear clothing and cash donations to outreach organizations.

Last year’s 2024 December Christmas Party included a silent auction that resulted in a donation of $4,459 to the Comox Valley Food Bank. Including club member donations, items were generously donated by: Campbell River Boatland, Ocean Pacific Marine Store & Boatyard, Mark’s, Redden Net, Calum Cameron (Gallery VanIsle), and Gone Fishin’.