Seventy-five years ago, the Kiwanis Club of Courtenay was formed and has been a well-known and very progressive club ever since. The Kiwanis goal is helping children, and to that end, has worked hard serving the needs of the Comox Valley community.
The Kiwanis Club of Courtenay awards thousands of dollars every year in bursaries for our secondary schools and North Island College; financial support and hands on with Operation High Jump for mentally and physically challenged children; previously donated school supplies with a yearly $10,000 budget; donate yearly to a service dog program; support Comox Valley Hospital Foundation (paediatric ward); Kiwanis Children's Cancer Program at B.C. Children's Hospital; C.V. Telethon, C.V. Social Services Healthy Baby Program and Salvation Army.
Kiwanis also is the main support of a 64 unit Kiwanis Village for independent low income seniors. This complex is managed almost entirely by volunteers and has a social hall, library and recreation area. Kiwanis also has fundraisers such as our twice yearly Trivia Night with funds going to various community organizations.
Kiwanis is an international organization of 600,000 members in 80 countries. Each club serves the needs of their particular area. This global organization of volunteers is dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Kiwanis serves children through financial support and programs dedicated to their health, nutrition, education, literacy and youth leadership development.
For more information on the Kiwanis Club of Courtenay, visit our website at