A member of Cuba's medical internationalist mission to Haiti, will speak at the BCGEU meeting room Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Dr. William Alvarez Consuegra will speak about Cuba’s humanitarian medical mission in Haiti, sponsored by Comox Valley Friends of Cuba.
The meeting on the second floor at the corner of Fitzgerald and Eighth in Courtenay is part of a tour organized by the Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC).
Dr. Consuegra has extensive experience in Cuba's many medical internationalist missions across the globe. In 2010, he was a director of campaign hospitals for the Cuban medical mission in Haiti. From 2006 to 2008 he served in the medical mission to Honduras sent in response to Hurricane Mitch. In 2005 he participated in the mission to Pakistan dispatched in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in that country.
The meeting will be preceded by a dinner at 5:30. The cost of the dinner will be $15. For an invitation, contact 250-338-4067.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide information about the Cuban mission in Cuba but also to raise funds for the ongoing work of the Cuban medical mission to assist the people of Haiti to overcome the devastation of their country and to build their health care system.
For information, contact 250-338-4067. To contact the Canadian Network on Cuba, visit www.canadiannetworkoncuba.ca.
— Comox Valley Friends of Cuba