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Ghouls and Ghosties invited to Old Time Fiddlers Spooktacular Halloween Dance

Event Oct. 27 at Fallen Alders Hall
The Old Time Fiddlers will be hosting a Spooktacular Dance on Oct. 27

The Old Time Fiddlers are holding a Spooktacular Halloween Dance in the Comox Valley.

The fiddlers are inviting all ghouls and ghosties to a good, old-fashioned dance. People are invited to wear their favourite costumes, and come ready for snacks, laughter and good times all around.

The event will be on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. at Fallen Alders Hall, 3595 Royston Road. Admission is $10 per person.

"Come out and join us and have a screaming good time!"