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Learn to plant for a continuous yield

LTNC expanding its annual kitchen gardening program

Lake Trail Neighbourhood Connection is expanding its annual kitchen gardening program.

This year’s focus will be planting for a continuous yield. Starting Feb. 1 and ending Oct. 24 the program will consist of 10 seasonally appropriate indoor classes and several hands-on outdoor classes.

Whether you are a new gardener or just looking to improve your skills this class will help you create your best kitchen garden ever.

Classes are taught by Elaine Codling. Elaine is the LTNC’s garden co-ordinator, a permaculture design consultant and teacher, and long-time organic veggie gardener and lifelong learner.

Classes are Monday evenings 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Lake Trail school.

Each class has a companion hands-on session Sunday afternoons 1-3 p.m. in the garden (weather permitting; alternate dates or indoor sessions may be scheduled).

The first set of classes will include:

•Feb. 1 - Planning for a Year Around Harvest;

•Feb. 29 - Soil Nutrients and Amendments;

•March 21 - Spring Planting Plan;

• April 25 - Small spaces, containers and companion planting.

Hands-on sessions:

•Feb. 7 (alternate date Feb. 14)  - Early Season Planting (in the garden, weather permitting);

•March 6 - Growing and Timing Starts (indoors or out);

• April 3 - Transplants, Hardening off and Cold protection;

• May 1 - Strawberries, Tomatoes and Herbs for the patio.



Classes are $20 each or choose any four classes for $60. Pre-registration required.

Register online at:

For more information or to register and make payment in person for the Organic Kitchen Gardening Program, email