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Ministry of Transportation funding early Scotch broom removal in the Comox Valley

People have been asking, “who is cutting Scotch broom on Highway 19?”

People have been asking, “who is cutting Scotch broom on Highway 19?”

Broombusters always “Cut Broom in Bloom” in late April and May, when the energy of the plant is above the ground and cutting is most effective. So, who is cutting broom now?

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) gave a grant to Broombusters, to hire some workers who had been impacted by the pandemic. Because of MOTI fiscal year-end, the work needed to be completed by the end of March. The small group of Comox Valley workers has been out over a dozen times, cutting broom along the east side Highway 19 starting at the large Comox Valley sign and working north. There are also groups in Parksville, Nanaimo and Powell River.

MOTI wants Scotch broom removed from their highways because broom is an aggressive, alien invasive plant that crowds out native plants, inhibits forest regrowth and is a fire hazard. Even when cut in March, the removal of the mature broom on the highway will contribute significantly to the long-term success of all broom removal efforts.

These Broombuster workers will be finished soon. In late April and May, Broombuster volunteers will be back on roadsides and parks to actually Cut Broom in Bloom. Broombusting is a perfect activity during the pandemic, as you are outside and never need to be near to anyone else. Check the website and see how you can participate.