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Multimedia presentation gives youth a voice

Interested in what local youth have to say about our community? Youth Visions for Stronger Neighbourhoods looks at just that. The multimedia presentation incorporates film and photography through the talents of local youth. The program included film and editing training as youth were empowered to put their new found skills to use through active filming. Youth Visions focuses on three main questions. What do we love about the Comox Valley? What don’t we like? How can we create positive change? These are explored through community interviews and local photography as well as focused discussion on what youth themselves find within the Comox Valley. ValleyLinks invites the community to the Youth Visions final presentation. The film screening and project presentation will take place at the Zocalo Café on March 30 from 6 to 7 p.m. The youth will present their work and show a short film documenting the collective input of the past three months. — Valley Links