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New shipping container homes open at Maple Pool Campground

Home for the Holidays welcomes residents just in time for Christmas
Home for the Holiday's new container home decorated for the season.

In the last four years, the number of shipping container homes at Maple Pool Campgrounds has almost tripled, going from four homes to the opening of homes 13 and 14 happening this Sunday (Dec. 8).

Two new residents will receive their new homes at the Home for the Holidays event. 

“This is our big splash, we’re going to have it all decorated with lights and have a grand opening while choosing two new occupants who will have a home just in time for Christmas this year,” shared Charlene Davis, co-founder of WeCan Shelter.

Each new unit costs approximately $30,000 to build and contains all the comforts one could want in a home.

“We’re able to build a 20-foot shipping container into a home that has a shower, a toilet, a sink with a kitchenette, hot water heater baseboards, sleeping platform with storage underneath and above. Two windows, a door and we always put a large deck that’s partially covered so that it increases the living area,” Davis explains.

The amount of donations and discounts the non-profit society receives helps these units become a reality for the unhoused. The project is done without any government funding and instead relies on the generosity of the public and skilled workers donating their time.

“We have a lot of financial support from the public which has been absolutely freaking amazing and I’m just astonished at how generous the people are in this town and how they’re willing to contribute to what they feel is making a positive inroads to a problem that everybody is affected by,” adds Davis.

One community partner is Integra Homes who have contributed the lumber for every single unit and as Davis says, “it is an amazing thing.” CORE Landscape Products does a decorative landscaping piece around the surrounding deck to make the area more homely. Modern Windows provides windows and doors which have been incredible contributions along the way.

“We get a deep and significant discount for anything we need to purchase at Central Builders. We get a contribution every time that gives us the backsplash tile. We have people like Sascha Gorniac, who does the installation of the tiles for us.”

Along with all the contributors of building supplies, time and donations, Davis has to thank the people who have given the new homes a space.

“We have a deep gratitude as well to Jin and Dali Lin at Maple Pool Campground for allowing us to park these units at their space and for making it easy for us to actually make improvements around those individual sites.”

For more information on the WeCan Shelter Society, email or call 250-871-1573.


Raynee Novak

About the Author: Raynee Novak

I am a Multimedia Journalist for the Comox Valley Record
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