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New time for Taize service





The Taize service sponsored by Comox United Church and the Unitarian Fellowship is moving from Sunday to Saturday.

Beginning Oct. 25 there will be a Taize service at the Comox United Church, 250 Beach Drive every fourth Saturday of the month at 5 p.m.

The focus of Taizé worship is the music. A few words or phrases sung over and over again give the singing a meditative character. The songs are not meant to be sung as hymns but, rather, as a series of prayers and do not require any singing talent or experience. The repetition allows the words to become a prayer of the heart.

In between the Christian chants and short sacred readings, silence is observed for periods ranging from three to 10 minutes. The intent of the silence is to make oneself available to the presence of the spirit that resides within. There are no sermons or particular formal meditative techniques involved.

All are welcome. FMI call Peggy 871-1540 or Arlene 890-3671.