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Taizé services returning to Comox United Church

Song-based service a way to 'foster an interior calm in themselves and to connect to a spiritual source or ground' — organizer
Comox United Church. Photo by Mike Chouinard

Twice monthly Taizé services are returning this fall to the Comox United Church.

A practice that started at the end of the Second World War, Taizé worship focuses on music. The songs are made up of  words or phrases sung to simple melodies.

Between the chants and short sacred readings from the Christian tradition, there are three to five minutes long silences. The silence is intended to help a person become available to the presence of the spirit that resides within. Lights are kept dim throughout the service for a more prayerful atmosphere. 

"The repetition is helpful not only to learn each chant, but also to allow it to become a prayer of the heart," a release from the Comox United Church says.

The practice started in Taizé, an ecumenical community of monks in eastern France. Since the end of the war, it has spread throughout the world.

“People are looking for ways to foster an interior calm in themselves and to connect to a spiritual source or ground,” said Rev. Karen Hollis, one of the organizers of the Comox Taizé services..m.

Brother Alois, one of the monks at Taize, France, said “As we continue the pilgrimage of trust on earth that brings together . . . people from many countries, we understand more and more deeply this reality: all humanity forms a single family and God lives within every human being without exception.”

The Taizé brothers’ web page describes the intent of their community as “a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.”

The first Taize service will take place on Friday, Sept. 6 from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

Comox United Church is on the corner of Comox Ave. and Beach Drive. The Taize services will be held downstairs in Room L1. Enter from the door to outside located on lower parking lot. For more information please call 250-339-3966.