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The Town of Comox invites everyone to celebrate Bat Week

Bat Chat with Tim Ennis happens Oct. 25
Bat. Submitted by the Town of Comox.

Bat Chat with Tim Ennis is a free event in celebration of Bat Week. The Town of Comox invites everyone to join in at the Comox Community Centre on Oct. 25 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose hall. Ennis is a local biologist specializing in wildlife and conservation and will share his knowledge and passion of bats and shed light on their vital role in our ecosystem.

Bat Week is an international celebration held annually from Oct. 24-31, raising awareness about the need for bat conservation. Bats are crucial to the health of our natural world and economy. Often unnoticed, they play an important role in our environment by consuming insects, pollinating flowers and spreading seeds that grow into new plants and trees. 

However, bats face numerous threats worldwide, from habitat loss and pesticide use to change and the destruction of the roosting sites. Bat populations are declining nearly everywhere they are found, making conservation more important than ever. 

The Town of Comox is a designated Bat-Friendly Community, committed to protecting bats and their habitats. Residents are encouraged to learn more about the challenges these mammals face and explore the many ways to assist and support their survival.

The Bat Chat with Ennis is a drop-in event, open to all. In addition to the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to view educational displays and get a close look at a bat house design.


Raynee Novak

About the Author: Raynee Novak

I am a Multimedia Journalist for the Comox Valley Record
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