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Whistle Stop raises money for Liberation Treatment

A silent auction fundraiser at the Whistle Stop Pub brought $2,000, brining the fundraising total for Sharon Youngman to $7,000.

A silent auction fundraiser at the Whistle Stop Pub brought $2,000, brining the fundraising total for Sharon Youngman to $7,000.

We are thankful to all those who are reaching into their pockets to help us reach our goal of $12,000 for Liberation Treatment.

Sharon suffers with MS and her family is tentatively planning to send her to Costa Rica for her treatment.

The fundraising has been a tough go; they had expected the funds to come in a lot quicker but they say they keep moving forward with them, because to give up would leave Sharon with no hope.

Canadian trials for Liberation Treatment are expected to continue for another two to three years. Many MS patients are travelling to other parts of the world for this procedure.

Youngman's supporters are also collecting Air Miles on her behalf. They would greatly appreciate all the assistance you, the public, can give in this regard.

Sharon's Air Miles number is 8008 463 9491. You can gift your present Air Miles to her or call Muriel for an additional Air Miles card in her name.

For more information or concerns, call Muriel at 250-334-2384.