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Comox Valley War Amps help celebrate 65 years of key tags in parade

Comox Valley War Amps help celebrate 65 years of key tags in parade

Comox Valley members of the War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program who joined the association’s PLAYSAFE/DRIVESAFE float in the Victoria Day Parade helped to mark a milestone — 65 years of key tags!

Brain Boosters planning dance events at d'Esterre House in Comox

There are two dancing events Sunday at d'Esterre House in Comox.

Barbecue supports 'brave and spirited' boy battling cancer

The Comox Valley Multicultural SOciety is hosting a barbecue Aug. 20 at 4659 Headquarters Rd. in Courtenay to support Sammy Antuñez Marquez, a brave and spirited boy living in the Comox Valley, who continues to battle cancer.

Saltwater School hosting open house in Courtenay Aug. 25

Saltwater School, the Comox Valley’s Waldorf Inspired Independent School, is preparing for this fall when it opens its doors for the first time. The school is looking forward to showcasing updates and renovations in an open house and tour of the school, which will be held Aug. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at 2311 Rosewall Cres.
Celebrate Strathcona Park centennial and learn about park's accessibility Aug. 21

Celebrate Strathcona Park centennial and learn about park's accessibility Aug. 21

Sponsored by Mountain Equipment Co-op and the Provincial Government’s Park Enhancement Fund, the Accessible Wilderness Society, together with BC Parks, the Campbell River and Comox Valley Access Committees, Strathcona Wilderness Institute and Mount Washington Alpine Resort, invite everyone to visit Paradise Meadows in Strathcona Park on Aug. 21 for a Family Fun Day for Every-Body.

Texan Wayne Mayes will teach skeet shooting clinic in early September

The Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association is hosting a Skeet shooting clinic and mini shoot in early September.

SPCA summer student had 'absolute blast' running summer camp

The SPCA's summer student watched some budding new environmentalists and animal rights advocates in the making during the association's annual summer camp.
Photographer Sarah Kerr will share her volunteer experiences in India

Photographer Sarah Kerr will share her volunteer experiences in India

Local photographer, Sarah Kerr, invites you to a presentation and slideshow about her recent visit to India. On Thursday, Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Freakin Coffeshop, Sarah Kerr will share her experiences, photos and short videos with you of her recent three-month stay in India.
Learn about peaceful direct action at Comox Valley Land Trust garden party

Learn about peaceful direct action at Comox Valley Land Trust garden party

Everyone is invited to the stunning gardens of Diana Caldwell and Erik Taynen Aug. 28 from 4 to 6 p.m. for a timely talk, a potluck meal and the camaraderie of folks who love nature in all its aspects during the Comox Valley Land Trust's garden party.
Gas N Go a go

Gas N Go a go

Construction has begun on the Gas n Go on Dyke Road, which AFC Construction expects to finish by November.