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Author of 'The Slaughter' at Courtenay Library




“There is big money in human organs – and prisoners of conscience in China are being killed in the tens of thousands for theirs.  How should Canada respond to this crime?”

So begins the conversation with Ethan Gutmann, award-winning China analyst and human rights investigator.  Gutmann is touring British Columbia with David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific to introduce his new book The Slaughter, Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting and China’s Secret Solution to its Dissident Problem. They will be at the Courtenay Library on Sunday, Oct. 26 at 2 p.m.  All are welcome.

The Slaughter emerges from interviews with top police officers, medical personnel and survivors of torture. Accounts of organ harvesting from religious and political dissidents and the increasing practise of  “transplant tourism” paint a horrific picture that is just now seeing the light of day.