How do you think Courtenay could help the local cultural community thrive?
The City of Courtenay has launched a public survey about arts and culture to help shape Courtenay’s upcoming Strategic Cultural Plan and is seeking feedback from the community.
Access the survey at until July 14.
Survey participants will have a chance to win a $100 gift card from the Sid Williams Theatre.
Paper copies of the survey are available at:
City Hall, 830 Cliffe Avenue
Comox Valley Centre For the Arts, 580 Duncan Avenue
Courtenay & District Museum and Paleontology Centre, 207 4th Street
Sid Williams Theatre, 442 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay Library 300, 6th Street
Downtown Courtenay Wednesday Summer Street Markets CV Arts Council Info Booth
(June 14, 21, and 28; July 5 and 12)
Courtenay Mayor Bob Wells said the survey is a key way for members of the public to shape the development of the plan. “Our local arts and culture scene is truly community-based and driven by many passionate and enthusiastic artists, performers, and organizers,” said Wells. “We want to know how our community envisions the future of arts and culture, and how the City could help. We’re really proud to support arts and culture, and this plan is an important step in formally laying out goals and priorities for the future.”
Cultural planning helps towns and cities support arts and culture for the benefit of the community. Courtenay’s Strategic Cultural Plan will help identify key strengths, gaps, and opportunities in cultural services and infrastructure. The plan, once complete, will help guide City processes, support core areas of services, and highlight where investment is needed in Courtenay’s cultural services and assets.
Courtenay’s new Official Community Plan adopted in 2022 identifies the need for a cultural plan to provide a foundation for partnership models, cultural development, asset investment, and management. The completion of a strategic cultural plan is also one of council’s strategic priorities.
Visit the project website to learn more and stay informed on how to participate in the development of Courtenay’s Strategic Cultural Plan over the coming months.
The public will be able to review the draft findings at a community check-in event this fall. To add your name to the interest list for this session, please email