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North Island Fiddlers hosting dance, potluck dinner

Branch 17 North Island Fiddlers and Musicians will be holding their end-of-the-season Windup Potluck and Dance on June 23. It will be at the Fallen Alders Hall on Royston Road in Courtenay, open to anyone interested in fiddle, and country music. Come and listen, dance, or bring your fiddle or guitar, and if planning on staying for the dinner, make sure to bring your favourite dish to add to the table. The doors to the hall will open at 1:30 p.m. and dinner will take place from 5-5:30.
The North Island Fiddlers and Musicians are hosting their year-end dance and potluck June 23 at Fallen Alders Hall. Stock image

Branch 17 North Island Fiddlers and Musicians will be holding their end-of-the-season Windup Potluck and Dance on June 23. It will be at the Fallen Alders Hall on Royston Road in Courtenay, open to anyone interested in fiddle, and country music. Come and listen, dance, or bring your fiddle or guitar, and if planning on staying for the dinner, make sure to bring your favourite dish to add to the table. The doors to the hall will open at 1:30 p.m. and dinner will take place from 5-5:30. Come and hear some good “old-time music.”