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Hagen rehearsing for Liszt’s piano acrobatics

Mattina Musica, a new morning concert series for classical aficionados, continues on Monday, Jan. 17, with pianist Sarah Hagen.

Singers sought by youth choir

Have you ever noticed how singing can totally change your attitude?
Art lessons beginning

Art lessons beginning

New Year’s question 1: What popular activity can you enjoy both indoors and outdoors, build vast amounts of new neural connections in the brain with, do in groups or alone by the young or the very old, and have it result in a deeper appreciation of beauty?

Fiddling phenom visiting Merville

Some people are born to play music.

Band excited by songs for gig at city’s Mex Pub

Who are The X-N-TRIX and why are they in a rock and roll band with local bar jam songwriter Glen Gravel?
Watercolour tips shared

Watercolour tips shared

Experienced instructor Judi Pedder will offer a new session of classes for painting with watercolours.
Voice, movement taught this month

Voice, movement taught this month

Positive change is afoot as we move into the Year of the Hare, so now is the time to harness your intentions by connecting with others through a voice and movement workshop with VocalEase instructor Joanna Finch.
Musical singalong returning to stage at the Sid

Musical singalong returning to stage at the Sid

Jan. 22 will feature an evening to enjoy as Square 1 Travel in conjunction with the Kiwanis Club of Courtenay bring you the greatest musical of all time.

Dances taught at Comox hall

What better way to kick off the new year than to kick up your heels in dancing?
Fun-filled family play

Fun-filled family play