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Autumn aromas, tasty treats and boo – safety tips for Halloween

Ahh, the smell of freshly fallen foliage. The fun of running through a pile of leaves. The last of the fall events is where pet supply stores are promoting the tasty treats we dogs love to eat. I’m Clancy the golden retriever who lives next door to Pet
Tony, Pet Treat Bakery’s manager will also be at Bosley’s Courtenay location on Oct. 19 for their anniversary sale. Photo by Marc Kitteringham/Campbell River Mirror

Ahh, the smell of freshly fallen foliage. The fun of running through a pile of leaves. The last of the fall events is where pet supply stores are promoting the tasty treats we dogs love to eat.

I’m Clancy the golden retriever who lives next door to Pet Treat Bakery, the makers of all-natural beef, chicken and liver treats without any additives. Pet Treat Bakery is special in many ways. They employ adults with disabilities to make the treats and participants at Beaufort Association for Inclusion in Action package them. Beaufort Association provides day programs for adults with developmental disabilities and by packaging my favourite pet treats they earn minimum wage at a job they like.

Thank you to Buckerfield’s in Nanaimo for their fantastic Facebook post highlighting Pet Treat Bakery. I did get to meet the manager of the store recently while on a delivery trip with Tony; She seems like someone who is supportive of our program, and we thanked her for the shoutout.

Tony, Pet Treat Bakery’s manager will also be at Bosley’s Courtenay location on Oct. 19 for their anniversary sale. Come and meet him, he runs the show at PTB. He will be giving out samples to promote their products and educate people about Beaufort Association for Inclusion in Action.

Doggie cute-alert! On Oct. 26, downtown Courtenay is having a Halloween Costume Dog Parade. This will be fun as humans will be dressing-up their dogs to parade through downtown Courtenay. The event starts at noon in Beaufort Association’s parking lot at 495 6th Street. Pet Treat Bakery will be giving out samples, and Tony will open their door to make treats available for sale.

Halloween can be a fun time, but it can be risky for us dogs. Some tips to keep us safe:

  • Keep us indoors to avoid encounters with trick-or-treaters that might frighten us.
  • Ensure we wear an updated ID tag in case of escape.
  • Chocolate and candy are toxic to your pooch, so keep all treats out of reach.
  • If you dress up your dog, use pet-friendly costumes that allow for easy movement and breathing.
  • Keep decorations like candles, wires, and small objects out of their path to prevent injuries.
  • Lastly, provide a quiet, safe space for us to relax during the festivities.

Happy Halloween – WOOF!