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Come try ringette for free

The event happens Sept. 15 at Sport Centre #2
Noah Hawrys of the Shuswap U12 Thunder Dragons ringette team speeds past a Vernon Lightning player during their Dec. 1 game in Salmon Arm. (Jodi Brak/Salmon Arm Observer)

When it comes to ice sports, many people immediately think of hockey. However, there’s a lesser-known yet equally exciting option: ringette! This fast-paced, dynamic game is not only thrilling to play and watch, it also offers an alternative to hockey. It can also be a great complementary activity for hockey athletes looking for extra ice time and skills development.

One of the most notable differences between ringette and hockey is the level of physical contact allowed. Ringette emphasizes skill and strategy over physicality. Body checking is not allowed in ringette, significantly reducing the risk of injuries that often arise from heavy hits and clashes.

Ringette’s unique elements, such as the use of a straight stick and ring shift the focus of the game from physical contact to skill and strategy. Players must use agility, precision, and teamwork to outmanoeuvre their opponents. This focus on finesse helps reduce the risk of injuries and promotes a more inclusive and strategic style of play.

Ringette has a culture of inclusivity, sportsmanship, and skill development. Players, coaches, and fans in the ringette community often highlight respect, teamwork, and enjoyment of the game, which contributes to a positive and nurturing atmosphere. The culture of ringette makes it a very inviting option for those who want a focus on fair play and mutual respect.

The Comox Valley Ringette Association offers a free chance to come and try the sport on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024 from 11 a.m. till noon at Sport Centre #2. Ringette is the perfect way to learn to skate: kids are in full gear, playing games, socializing with friends and having fun. The association has a wonderful parent community and there are no early morning ice times until u14 (and even then it's rare).

Whether you’re a parent looking for a safer choice for your child without early morning ice times or an athlete seeking a game that emphasizes agility and teamwork, ringette stands out as a safe, fantastic ice sport. Give it a try - you might just find that ringette is the perfect fit for you!

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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