Police are looking for video from other drivers and businesses in the area as they investigate after a fatal collision involving a pedestrian in Nanoose Bay.
The BC Highway Patrol investigation is ongoing and is looking into any possible causal factors, according to Insp. Adam Tallboy, acting officer-in-charge of the Vancouver Island Highway Patrol.
"It appears in our initial investigation the person was crossing on the highway for some reason and a southbound vehicle struck the person and they died of those injuries," he said. "We are still investigating that collision, looking for video from any other drivers in the area, from businesses in the area and we have our collision reconstruction service assisting to help us determine things like vehicle speed and positioning when the collision occurred."
Tallboy added the driver stopped at the scene and is co-operating with investigators. He said the pedestrian killed was a "middle-aged" male, but did know the age.
Cpl. Michael McLaughlin, media relations officer BC Highway Patrol, confirmed the pedestrian was 61 years old.
The collision occurred near the Petro-Canada station on Highway 19, near Northwest Bay Road on Jan. 3.
"It happened at just after 7 in the morning so it would have been dark outside. I'm assuming visibility would be one of the issues we'll be investigating," he said. "There does not appear to be any impairment."
The investigation will seek to reconstruct where the pedestrian was hit. "I don't know if he was in the marked crosswalk at the time or not," Tallboy said.
He added he could not comment on this reconstruction specifically, but said that depending on the age of the vehicle involved, there may be technology that will help determine the time of the collision, if not, reconstruction is used.
Highway Patrol will also look at factors such as weather and visibility.
Ambulance personnel were called to the scene and Oceanside RCMP reported the fatality. BC Coroners Service also attended the scene.