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Courtenay council spourns early return of 'not as affordable' rezoning application

A request to reapply for rezoning of an affordable housing project on Cumberland Road within a year was denied Monday by Courtenay council.

Courtenay shelter operating round the clock until March 31

Pidcock House is offering emergency shelter services on a temporary, 24/7 basis thanks to $50,000 in funding from the B.C. government.
Logo champions

Logo champions

Katharina Sevrier-Fries (left) and Jessica Garrett won a schoolwide logo contest at Brooklyn Elementary School.
Make a wish

Make a wish

Santa Claus made his annual visit to the Lighthouse Day Care with his box of presents.

Comox Valley Food Bank donations down only slightly from last year

It's Jeff Hampton's hope that everyone in the Comox Valley can have a merry Christmas, and that includes having food on the table.

Christmas Dream campaign needs warm clothes, cash

A Christmas Dream still needs donations of warm clothes and money to help local homeless people this Christmas.
Soup's on

Soup's on

Aspen Park Elementary students created bags of dried soup recently as part of their class to donate to the Comox Valley Food Bank.

injured sailor rescued from wallowing freighter

An aircrew from 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron evacuated an injured sailor from the deck of a bulk log freighter.
Off-road driving

Off-road driving

Emergency personnel responded Tuesday to a vehicle accident at the intersection of Noel and Anderton near the Comox Community Centre.

Never a dull moment on Comox Valley police beat

Nov. 21 • Unknown culprits vandalized a car on the 900 block of 17th Street in Courtenay.