Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1850.45 to rezone the subject property from R1.1 Single-Family to RM 7.1 Townhouse
Application RZ 23-6
Subject Property: 458 Anderton Road
Legally described: Lot 3, Block 1, Section 53, Comox District, Plan 4032
In general terms, the purpose of Comox Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1850.45 is to rezone the subject property to permit four, two-storey buildings, containing 16 townhouse units.
Copies of proposed bylaw, as well as existing relevant reports and documents will be available for inspection at Town Hall, 1809 Beaufort Ave, Comox, between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday (except Statutory Holidays) and at commencing on May 29, 2024.
in person, at Council Chambers, 1801B Beaufort Ave, Comox
on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 starting at 5:00 pm
WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS, send by mail or email, as long as the submission:
• Is received before 12:00pm on June 12, 2024
• Is addressed to Mayor and Council
• Identifies the bylaw under consideration in the subject line; and
• Includes the name and address of the person making the submission
Each person is solely responsible to ensure that their submission is received on time. The Town will not issue any acknowledgement of receipt of such submissions.
* Written submissions, including any personal information, will be made public and provided to Council. Further information on the collection of information may be obtained from the Corporate Officer at Town Hall.
Tel: 250-339-2202
Fax: 250-339-7110
Mailing Address:
1809 Beaufort Ave Comox, B.C. V9M 1R9
Per Local Government Act, s. 464(3) a municipality must not hold a public hearing, if the proposed rezoning bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan and the purpose of the bylaw is to permit residential development.