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Change in name precedes change in fortune

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

So we have a difficult international situation, with no shortage of problems here at home.

My sense is we have two or three years to “get it together.” Doesn’t 2020 sound like a magic number?

We must harness our technologies, rather than be slave to them, in the service of social/spiritual harmony and sustainable development. If we combine our science with ancient philosophies (including the First Nations worldview) we can unify on a scale never known before. All it will take is some “brass balls.” In the words of a dear friend of mine, ‘Those who care need to be those who dare.’

So what do we dare to do? One thing we can do here at home is develop a “Canadians-only” social media. This will protect both the domestic economy and the environment. We can do a much better job than Facebook – from the perspective of “consciousness,” the Facebook interface is really lousy. An interface has a huge impact on people’s emotions. What we do is use esoteric “sacred geometry” to appeal to people’s higher selves…

Speaking about “perspectives,” why not rename the United States the “Universal Stewardship Academy?” It has long been known that a change in name precedes a change in fortune. This is particularly true of nation states – and blocks of states – whose names are generally unique. It is my assertion that a renamed U.S.A. would inspire love rather than fear.

Our “international trade agreements” could be upgraded to “international stewardship partnerships.” This would reflect the increasingly apparent global desire that material goods should be for personal and collective spiritual growth. Sometimes this growth requires a modest amount of personal property, and sometimes it requires a collective arrangement.

Alan C. Ashcroft,
