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CVRD responds to letter defending Zuks

Dear editor,

Mr. Ernst Vegt’s letter to the editor in the June 4 edition of your paper (Zuks treated unfairly by the Comox Valley Regional District) missed some factual elements of the issue.

The Zuks’ property is on an area known as the Willmar Bluffs, a steep sloped sandy bluff known as a “feeder bluff”. This bluff actually erodes naturally all the time and is, in fact, the feeder source that led to the creation of the Goose Spit. Homeowners regularly try to protect their property against the natural forces of nature, and the development permitting process is the tool used by local governments to ensure that the development plans reflect good science and assessment. In this case, the Zuks skipped that step, and in the interests of protecting all of the natural forces along Willmar Bluff, as well as other property rights, the Comox Valley Regional District was forced to act.

Your readers can check the chronology of events and other factual details at:

Leigh Carter

General manager, public affairs & information systems

Comox Valley Regional District