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'Elitist crap' dragged down federal Liberals

Dear editor, I read with interest Mark Allan’s guest column in the North Island Gazette on our recent federal election.

Dear editor,

I read with interest Mark Allan’s guest column in the North Island Gazette on our recent federal election.

His dissatisfaction over the results is quite evident.

He writes that we have elected a “Harperized” Conservative government but he says what Canada needs is a government to reflect “modern Canadian values.” This is just the sort of elitist crap that has turned the electorate away from the federal Liberal party.

Liberal philosophy goes something like this: “We know what is good for you. You do not. So, we will pass laws to make sure you do what we know is good for you.”

It is this “superior” attitude that has brought these pompous Liberals down, with Mr. Ignatieff leading the pack.

And that is what has brought us the useless long-run registry, conditional (get to stay at home) sentences for convicted criminals, day passes for convicted murderers, and a callous disregard for the rights of crime victims.

Hopefully, with a strong Conservative mandate, the wishes of the majority of Canadians will finally be realized.

Brian Thurber,

Port Hardy

Editor's note: For the record, I did not write that Canada needs a government to reflect modern Canadian values. I said Canadians need a centrist party, meaning one that would give us an alternative to left- and right-wing parties. I also pointedly criticized the Liberals for an arrogance borne of governing Canada for much of the 20th century.