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Help those who really need it

Dear editor, I think some of the the homeless and perhaps those living at Maple Pool suffer from a form of mental illness.

Dear editor,

Even with my limited education I think it is safe to say some of the the homeless and perhaps those living at the Maple Pool Marina (I love that line), suffer from a form of mental illness.

I lost my dad, his brother and their father to this disease in the form of depression. I also lost my two best buddies before the age of 50.

We need more Maple Pools in society because it gives help to those who need it most.

Forget the homeless shelters and food banks, etc. We all need (or want) to pay our own way for our own self-worth.

By giving them your support and possibly a job, they have the potential to progress and offer their spot to someone else less fortunate. Because if it was not for the strength of my friends and family, I probably wouldn't be writing this letter.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Rob (Norton) McBride,
