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Island reader approves of Fletcher columns

Dear editor,

Re: Recent Fletcher columns The roots of our ‘homeless’ crisis (B.C. Views, Aug. 31) and B.C. promotes poverty and crime.

I also read the book by Theodore Dalrymple called Life at the Bottom and was very impressed by it. He questions the whole welfare nanny state which we are growing very rapidly in Canada.

The breakdown of traditional family life is encouraged by this welfare state. Single-parent families headed by females on welfare with children from multiple fathers who are unaccountable. This is one of the causes of the growth in crime and drug addiction. No one dares to say this out loud as these ideas are considered old fashioned and politically incorrect.

I hope Tom Fletcher keeps writing on this. I am surprised that he is even allowed to write them with this contrarian point of view. We do not live in a society where opposing views are cherished.  Only politically correct viewpoints.

Look what has happened to our universities. Free thinking and debates used to be encouraged but not today.

Sylvia Mitbrodt

Oak Bay