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LETTER - Local cycling coalition offers road training for all ages

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Regarding Diana Wearne’s letter on May 9 “Cyclists must shoulder some of the responsibility for their own safety” as well as Ronald Venne’s letter in the same issue related to following the “rules of the road:”

As a driver and a cyclist, I, like most others, give cyclists and pedestrians the respect they deserve.

Most of the cyclists in the Valley, especially the ones I ride with, are most aware of the safety rules of the road for cyclists, and motor vehicles. We try to follow all of them.

However, there are, unfortunately some individuals on a bike who decide that certain rules do not need to be followed all the time… just like some motorists make these same decisions. This is most unfortunate and, of course, this behaviour can lead to accidents - something we all wish to avoid. Readers should be aware that the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition, with support from SD71, run “Bike Rodeos” for Grade 4 and 5 students in the Valley each year, so all the students are taught safe cycling skills in their elementary years.

The Coalition also offers Adult Ride Right courses in the Valley. If there are any adults who wish to become a more confident, knowledgeable rider, please contact us ( Let’s keep our Valley safe for all road users.

Lawrence Vea

President-Comox Valley Cycling Coalition