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LETTER - New active transportation bridge is important for Courtenay

The 6th Street Active Transportation Bridge intends to provide a dedicated cycling and pedestrian connection between downtown Courtenay and Simms Millennium Park. Black Press file photo

Dear editor,

As one of many who walk, cycle, drive and occasionally use transit to carry out daily life here in the Comox Valley, I would like to thank the City of Courtenay and various funding bodies for recognizing the need and benefits of building a third crossing over the Puntledge River.

Alongside offering an alternative to running the gauntlet of heavy traffic over the existing bridges, it will hopefully encourage residents and visitors alike to explore both sides of the new bridge and peacefully appreciate the river itself while crossing. Though safety is a primary concern, it may also encourage more people to park in Simms Park and walk into town - good for health and good for reducing vehicular traffic in the downtown core.

In response to an earlier letter which suggested the money would be better spent on the city’s housing crisis, I believe few of us would deny that solving that is indeed a priority.

However, the health and well-being of all citizens is also an important consideration and the new bridge is a piece of the bigger picture created by a growing population here in the Comox Valley.

Debbie Bowles,
