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LETTER: People reject climatology when it conflicts with their ideology

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I disagree with The earth’s climate is in a constant change of flux (Feb. 21 edition of “Letters to the Editor”). The article uses many of the tools of a denialist such as: cherry-picking, oversimplification, red herrings and jumping to conclusions to reject the entire science of climatology.

There have been many studies on denialism. The studies show people reject climatology when it conflicts with their ideology. For example, those who prefer an open market may reject climate change because cap and trade is an unwanted solution.

Similarly, those who dislike taxes may not accept carbon pricing. Denialism is a very human thing to do and one must be constantly aware of their rationale.

The bottom line here is that the science for climatology is done. The evidence is overwhelming. Records, along with many other indicators, show that our planet is warming quickly, and that all the greenhouse emissions humans release into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels are changing our climate.

‘The earth’s climate is in a constant change of flux’ is a minority point of view, is denialist and yet commanded a disproportionate slice of the newspaper. Anyone reading this article is subtlety inclined to believe that the science is inconclusive. The truth is that climatologists all over the world have reviewed the evidence, and over 97 per cent of them agree that global warming and climate change is anthropogenic. We now need to get our world leaders to react.

Harvey Schneider


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