Dear editor,
Why Pierre Poilievre and his political handlers would choose to make a recent appearance in Black Creek is worth a closer look, in my opinion.
Why not Courtenay or Comox, where he could perform in a more spacious venue to a larger audience? Draw your own conclusions on that. But, personally, I sure hope Pierre doesn’t think that he can mount his bully pulpit and win over the kind, principled, and industrious folks in the Black Creek area with his fear-mongering messages. That’s an insult.
Unfortunately, Pierre Poilievre is just another product of a win-at-all-cost movement that has emerged within the Conservative Party after too many political losses. Losing hurts. I get it. But Pierre is the party’s third trial mannequin, “styled” and programmed to grab your attention and hopefully get you angry enough to vote for him.
But in a world where we’ve all witnessed the negative impacts of bullying in schools, the workplace or society at large, why on earth would anyone choose a power-hungry politician with nothing to offer but bullying comments about existing leaders?
Pierre doesn’t offer solid solutions to our challenges. Pierre performs in order to get people riled and divided with his rehearsed quips and cheap slogans.
These are the behaviours of an immature and insecure person and, if you’re over 30, you know that from life experiences. So no matter what political party you support, it’s never been more important to do your homework before voting.
Sherril Guthrie,
Comox Valley