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No right or wrong answer in euthanasia debate

Dear editor,

Re. Brendon Johnston’s July 3 letter to the editor titled Faith negates the need for legalized euthanasia:

Allowing a person the free and informed choice to be assisted in putting an end to his or her suffering seems by many an expression of the greatest compassion.

In the Netherlands I saw a very convincing, compassionate documentary related to this question. However, when I considered the fact that God our Father in heaven let His son Jesus Christ be crucified for the sins of all people, I believe He also gave us an insight into this crucial question. He showed compassion, but that was for all of us so we could receive forgiveness of our sins and live with Him and our loved ones in the eternities. Maybe there are important principles to be learned while in the process of dying; like to understand better His son’s sacrifice and to have a deeper understanding and an appreciation for what Christ did for each of us.

Jesus, the son of God was not spared of the agony of the excruciating pain He was inflicted with and the loss of all dignity and no “compassion.”

It is interesting to contemplate the time that we live in, a time of convenience and ease, like aborting a child. The challenge and the difference is not who is right or wrong because people on both sides mean well.

The more important question is, is there a God? Therein lies the answer.

Ary Sala

Fanny Bay