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Non-cycling taxpayer tired of special-interest groups

Dear editor, Lately it seems like our Valley's cyclists are trying to subvert our entire way of life to fit their needs. After driving by the hospital yesterday, that new green bike lane practically blinded me and ran my Hummer off the road!

Dear editor,Lately it seems like our Valley's cyclists are trying to subvert our entire way of life to fit their needs.After driving by the hospital yesterday, that new green bike lane practically blinded me and ran my Hummer off the road!  And then there's this business about Car-Free Sunday.  Why would anybody in their right mind want to have our roads closed off just so people can parade around like it's the Canada Day, or Christmas or something?I think we should only close our roads to cars for legitimate reasons, such as the Olympic Torch Run, (can I say Olympics without getting sued?)So now the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition (CVCC), led by Ed Schum, has the gull to ask Courtenay city council for a bridge specifically for cyclists?Give me a break.If cyclists really want the bridge so bad, they can pay for it themselves.As a non-cycling taxpayer, I'm tired of having my money spent on things that really affect my life in no way, just because some people get together and create an organization.  Well, I think it's time we disenfranchised anti-environmentalists organize and stand up for ourselves. Disenfranchised Individuals Against Reason Ready to Hunt Out Environmentalist Antagonism (DIARRHOEA), let us unite!Neil Vokey, Courtenay