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Nothing to reveal at all

Brian Charlton has always said that the CVP has received some funding from the Columbia Institute

Dear editor,

Re: Practice what you preach, please (Record, Nov. 11)

If Butch Montreuil would stop foaming at the mouth long enough to read the letters Brian Charlton has written to the local papers, or take the time to check out the Citizens Voice Project website, he would realize that the great revelations about CVP that he seems to feel he is bringing forth concern about matters that have never been hidden.

Brian Charlton has always said that the CVP has  received some funding from the Columbia Institute — but the notion that this means that the Project is controlled by "union bigwigs" is laughable. Yes, "sometimes letters to newspapers are really quite funny."

Also, people such as Brian Charlton, Anne Davis and Wayne Bradley are honest, forthright people who have never, to my knowledge, concealed their political opinions or affiliations.

The comment regarding CVP not endorsing any candidates is rather vague and seems to have been written simply to use what I'm sure the writer feels is a clever phrase. In fact, if you look at the CVP website, you will find answers to the questions CVP put  forth from all candidates who bothered to respond. This hardly adds up to endorsing anyone in particular.

In short, all Mr. Montreuil's letter reveals is that he has nothing to reveal at all.

Stephen Harvey,
