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'Provincial regulations lead people to despair'

Dear editor, After publication of my letter challenging our MLA and our premier, I have not had any reply from the premier's office.

Dear editor,

Following your publication of my letter challenging our MLA and our premier to step in on behalf of a gentleman on disability pension who loses any increase in his Canada Pension by reductions in his disability benefit, I have not had any reply from the premier's office, as was to be expected.

I have, however, had replies from an assistant to our MLA suggesting that it might be possible for me and the gentleman to meet with Mr. McRae but, due to the fact that I have no knowledge of him other than the publication which appeared in your paper, such a meeting is not feasible.

Mr. McRae’s assistant said in an e-mail to me that “Canada Pension, or any other form of pension is not, and has never been, considered earned income, but instead unearned income and [is] therefore deducted from the Provincial assistance.”

And that, “Don will continue to advocate for increases to the income assistance rates, as he has done in the past.”

And finally, “We are hopeful that if Mr. McIntyre would like to speak to Don regarding his letter, he will contact our office.”

It appears that neither the premier nor our MLA want to respond to questions put to them via the press and consequently I too would urge Mr. McIntyre to contact Don’s office. You can reach his assistant at or his office by telephone at 250-703-2422.

It is too bad that provincial regulations lead people to despair and that our representatives in government fail to see the need for changes to those regulations.

David Netterville,

Area C