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What about the rights of the father — and the child?

Dear editor, Diane Magee's letter in Friday's paper raises some interesting ideas, but her argument makes little sense.

Dear editor,

Diane Magee's letter in Friday's paper raises some interesting ideas, but her argument makes little sense.

She dislikes being burdened with other people's "so-called moral values," but she is doing nothing other than inflicting (her word choice) her own moral values on this paper's readers.

She also claims that "a woman's right to choose ... is her individual right and is no one else's business."

But if a mother has any right to choose abortion, we have to accept that the father has at least some right as well. And must we not also consider the child's rights?

In fact, no one opposes any woman's right to choose whether she will have a baby in the first place. But once a baby begins to grow, every mother has an obligation to protect her child, whether before or after birth.

Brendon Johnson,


Editor's note: Brendon Johnson is currently at university in South Carolina.