Art Alchemy Studio Gallery is holding a grand opening this Friday from 5 to 9 p.m.
The gallery is located at 362-C 10th Street upstairs in the Bikram Yoga building.
An artists' collective comprised of painters Guillermo Mier, Helen Ustal, Jennifer Weber and Lucy Schappy and glass artist Stacey Wright rented the space earlier this year.
Establishing a studio gallery with five artists meant more creative energy and the ability to rent a larger space.
The opening celebration includes music by Brent Hart on piano and Al Jossul on guitar. Hot Chocolates & Cakebread Artisan Bakery will provide gourmet breads and sweets, while Natural Pastures Cheeses will offer a sampling of their wares.
There will also be a cash bar serving beer and wine bar (no credit/debit cards), non-alcoholic beverages and water supplied by Water Pure & Simple.
“We’re all very excited about the studio,” notes Schappy. “It’s such a dynamic group of artists and we all learn and inspire each other. It’s competitive, too. If we see one person has finished two paintings, that spurs the others on.”
Schappy and Weber have found the studio to be a productive space. “Most artists find their home studios too small,” explains Schappy.
For now, plans are to hold three or four shows a year. In the future there is the possibility of shows and studio space for other artists as well as art classes.
Following the opening, the gallery will be open by chance or appointment (call one of the numbers listed at There is usually someone working in the studio most weekdays and some evenings and visitors are invited to just drop in.
For more information and links to artists’ websites, visit
— Art Alchemy Studio Gallery