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Four Seasons Garden introduces personal kitchen garden service

David Wicklund, an urban organic farmer, is introducing a unique and personal gardening service to the Comox Valley.
The Four Seasons Garden approach maximizes productivity in small spaces.

David Wicklund, an urban organic farmer, is introducing a unique and personal gardening service to the Comox Valley. Based on the Community Supported Agriculture model, this service provides families a complete kitchen garden grown at your home by Wicklund. The Four Seasons Garden approach to gardening focuses on maximizing productivity in small spaces.

“Providing people with their own personal kitchen garden full of delicious vegetables addresses three key points: providing nutritious organically grown vegetables at home, learning the fundamental skill of growing food and reducing yard maintenance with an edible landscape," Wicklund said. "This is ideal for those who can’t or don’t want to maintain their own garden. Multiple families can also share a subscription to lower overall costs. The kitchen garden lends itself to developing a more comprehensive edible landscape design, including tree fruits and berries.”

Four Seasons provides seeds, transplants, top dressing compost, drip irrigation, weekly maintenance and garden design/planning for less than $25 a week. The full year option provides a minimum of 20 weeks of harvest whereas the startup package is a 10-week harvest period. The latter is ideal for those who may not have experience and want assistance in getting the garden process up and running.

Wicklund brings extensive experience from commercial farming, organic gardening and landscape design to each garden he grows.

"David made it so easy," one client said. "It was like magic — with very little effort on our part, out flowed fresh vegetables. There's a real satisfaction

in eating from our own garden. And I love to see my kid 'sneaking' into the garden with his friends to snack."

Wicklund starts the process by assessing the site and soil, then develops a garden plan that meets each client's desires.

“Gardening is an engaging and creative art focused around soil building which lays the foundation for a lush, beautiful and successful gardening experience," Wicklund said. "This has been my contribution to each garden I have had the privilege of growing.”
