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Free Courtenay philosophy group restarting weekly gatherings

When Chris Poellein moved to the Comox Valley just before COVID, she realized she missed the weekly gatherings of a large philosophy group on Pender Island. Here, a group of 20-30 like-minded people chooses questions like (but not limited to) - Have we become less happy in this age of technology?
A free philosophers group meets every Wednesday afternoon at the Courtenay Quality Foods to discuss a new topic every week. ADOBE STOCK IMAGE

When Chris Poellein moved to the Comox Valley just before COVID, she realized she missed the weekly gatherings of a large philosophy group on Pender Island. Here, a group of 20-30 like-minded people chooses questions like (but not limited to) - Have we become less happy in this age of technology?

Does life require a purpose and a goal?

What is happiness?

The group then shares individual viewpoints. Nobody is right - nobody is wrong. Every input is heard and respected. And at the end of the usual one-and-a-half to two-hour gathering everybody has some new insights and ideas on what seemed so “black and white” at the beginning.

A small group started in the fall of 2021 every Wednesday in Courtenay to put their “philosophy hats” on, share their personal take on the posed questions and inherently enrich everybody’s outlook on the question of the week.

After all, quite literally, the term “philosophy” means, “love of wisdom.”

It is impossible to identify one person who is supposed to be the “father” or “mother” of philosophy, but Thales, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius and Lao Zi might be considered influential figures within their respective traditions - and now it’s our time to fill their footprints.

In today’s world, we are so bombarded with daily news and advertisement that it becomes difficult to distinguish what is our own truth and what is a “media and/or society-implanted” belief.

A good daily dose of philosophical thinking helps us better analyze concepts and arguments, helps us distinguish what’s relevant from what isn’t, organize our thoughts and deal with questions of value and meaning.

The Comox Valley group is starting its weekly gathering again on Sept. 28 and everybody is welcome. All age and gender have their unique thoughts and wisdom, something we all can learn from.

Starting Sept. 28, the group meets every Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Driftwood Mall Quality Foods. in the upstairs board room. The gatherings are free.

Coffee, snacks etc. can be purchased at the upstairs QF Café.

The topic for Sept.28 will be: What is the best way for a person to attain happiness? Come and bring your thoughts and ideas. And if you feel a bit shy at the beginning, just enjoy your coffee and listen to the others.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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