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Guest speaker for Support our Seniors monthly meeting

Discussion of depression, dementia, and delirium

Support Our Seniors presents a discussion of depression, dementia, and delirium without depressing or confusing you.

Support Our Seniors (SOSCV) will have a guest speaker Monday, Feb.  2, in the Lower Native Son’s Hall in Courtenay.   The meeting is from 2 to 4 p.m. There is no charge to attend. Lisa Stalder, a retired family physician and psychotherapist from Saskatchewan, is the speaker.

Though the topics sound depressing and confusing, Stalder promises to “sprinkle the program with humour and have you leave with information and optimism.”

With half of her career in family medicine and the other half in psychotherapy, Stalder’s experiences with the issues of depression, dementia and delirium will fuel her discussion with personal anecdotes blended in to stats, definitions and practical advice on avoidance and management.

Following the program, there will be time to njoy refreshments.

The monthly meeting will follow for discussion of matters relevant to seniors and the organization. SOS members and members of the public concerned about these issues are welcome to attend.

For more information, please call Jennifer at 250-334-2321 or Sheila at 250-335-2246.