Everyone is invited to the stunning gardens of Diana Caldwell and Erik Taynen Aug. 28 from 4 to 6 p.m. for a timely talk, a potluck meal and the camaraderie of folks who love nature in all its aspects.
To find Erik and Diana’s, you travel to the end of Headquarters Road. Keep in mind that when Headquarters Road meets Merville Road at the “T,” the turn left is continuing onto Headquarters Road. Keep going until you pass both Fitzgerald and Railway Avenues and keep your eyes left. The address is 7147 Headquarters Rd.
Bring a chair, a meal to share and your own plates and cutlery. This party is a garbage-free event.
Well-known local activist and organizer Kel Kelly will be the guest speaker.
Kelly has been a mediator in private practice for the past 25 years and has served as the elected Area C representative on the regional district board.
Kelly is helping to organize the Comox Valley Peaceful Direct Action Coalition. The coalition began two months ago in an effort to provide education on peaceful direct action to groups and individuals whose efforts to affect government decisions have been overruled or ignored. The coalition has quickly grown to include nine Comox Valley groups.
"We are all people who work hard within the democratic system to influence government decisions," says Kelly. "We do our research, we participate in open houses, countless hearings and meetings, and at the end of the day, our input is often ignored.
"Our coalition provides information on how people and groups in this position can further their democratic participation, using exclusively peaceful means, to get governments to pay attention."
Peaceful direct action includes traditional techniques such as rallies, demonstrations, strikes and even blockades, but also embraces a broad range of creative actions such as leafletting, poster campaigns, street theatre and art, drama, music and much more.
"We are trying to let people know there is a very broad range of democratic activities that are included in peaceful direct action," says Kelly. "There is room for everyone."
The Comox Valley Land Trust is a local not-for-profit charitable society that receives very little monetary support from government. We rely on members and donations to continue our work. Its vision is to protect and restore ecosystems through voluntary conservation and advocating for defined recreational trail and biodiversity linkages between parks and environmentally sensitive areas creating a network of protection throughout the region.
There are a number of ways you can help with this vision; one of those is to come out to our annual garden party and meet the people involved in this work in the Valley.
For more information, visit www.cvlandtrust.ca and Facebook.
— Comox Valley Land Trust