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Mobilize for the PARC raising money for Views

Valley therapists are giving Mobilize for the PARC the boost of support and attention it needs in its last week to reach its goal.
THE PARC MESSAGE is getting out to therapists in the Comox Valley.

Comox Valley therapists, committed to wellness and community, are giving Mobilize for the PARC the boost of support and attention it needs in its last week to reach its goal.

Mobilize for the PARC, is aimed at raising funds for equipment for the new Physical Activation and Recreation Centre at the Views (St. Joe’s residential care).

The project was initiated by registered massage therapist Joanie Chestnut, and put into action by a team including physiotherapist Dan Belcher, RMTs, Sean Murphy and Shannon Seeley, chiropractors Liza Grant and Rick Houlgrave and Occupational Therapist, Gerlinde Park.

Through the efforts of this ‘team’ the PARC message has reached almost every therapist in the Valley — a community of therapists, working together for the well-being of others.

Most exciting for co-ordinator Joanie Chestnut is the unexpected support for the project.

Chestnut reports, “During a chance conversation about the PARC Project with acupuncturist, Peter Day, his eyes lit up as he connected with the idea of the therapeutic community working together. He asked if he could get acupuncturists involved. I was thrilled to expand the project and have Peter’s help!”

Day states, "This project really appealed to me. I am amazed at how the health practitioners in our community have pulled together for a common goal."

Lynn Dashkewytch, the director of St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation, was pleased to support a partnership between this ad-hoc community group and the hospital. The Foundation has generously provided resources, ideas and energy.

The staff at the Views, who are passionate about providing the best possible care and resources for the residents, have been tremendously supportive, according to Chestnut.

On Nov. 15, volunteers will visit all the participating offices and collect the donations for activation and recreation equipment.

Find out how you can get involved. Go to the St. Joseph’s Hospital website for more info at or contact Joanie Chestnut at

— Mobilize for the PARC

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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