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Musum offers kid's activities

The Courtenay and District Museum is offering an educational summer of children’s activities Mondays to Fridays until Aug. 26.

The Courtenay and District Museum is offering an educational summer of children’s activities Mondays to Fridays until Aug. 26.

The museum’s Kidscamp day programs invite children between the ages of five and 12 to experience a variety of classes that will engage and inspire, as a well as provide a refreshing perspective of science, nature and paleontology.

We offer programs both inside the museum and outdoors.

There are four indoor programs: Fabulous Fossils, Discovering Dinosaurs, Earth Science and Wacky Science.

Outdoor field trips include: Explore the Seashore, Fossil Collecting (Trent River) and  Fossil Collecting (Browns River). These programs provide kids the hands-on experience of uncovering fossilized creatures that have not been seen for 80 million years and are sure to ignite the junior paleontologist in them.

Remember, classes fill up fast, so sign your children up today for an experience that will highlight their summer.

Registration is available at the museum, located at 207 Fourth St. in downtown Courtenay, and by phone at 250-334-0686. For more information on program content and available dates, visit our website at

— Courtenay and District Museum